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Social Construct of Christmas

If I were to list down my shopping list for christmas, a migraine would begin to slowly creep into your skull, so you’ve gotten away this time. I used to think christmas is all about Santa fulfilling all my materialistic ‘needs’ and granting me temporary joy and happiness. Ever since we were kids, it’s been instilled into our heads to…

The feeling of isolation and segregation during the holidays

Holiday seasons are usually the time to gather up with loved ones to spend days decorating, baking, and enjoying together. However, for many people holiday season may be a lonely time, especially this year. Citizens from all over the world are struggling with the challenge of building memories and promoting unity without spreading COVID 19, which will inevitably prevent them…

Escapism Through Literature

To many, literature in all its forms is a burden to some. They see it as simply a means to an end to their studies and lectures. To others however, literature is a form of escapism for millions of people, both children and adults, around the world. With its boundless world-building, engaging characters and their characterisation, and its plots endless…

Siddiqui Academy Webinar

Whether it be differentiation, pseudocodes, electrolysis or neuropsychology, here at Siddiqui Academy we covered six subjects (mathematics, computer science, biology, chemistry, physics and psychology) over a course of eight webinars solving questions, explaining concepts all based off what you asked us. We are proud to say that over the course of 16 hours we were able to deliver focused, content…

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