My Inspiration

My Inspiration

Mohammed Hakim Siddiqui, my grandfather, valued education above everything else. He instilled in his children the passion to learn, read and help others within and beyond their capacity and when time came, he did the same with us – his grandchildren – for he believed knowledge would transform us and bring the change the world needed to see. To carry forward his legacy, I created Siddiqui Academy as a means to continue his work and passion, reaching out to those most vulnerable and those requiring assistance.

My grandfather came from humble beginnings, he lost both his parents aged four and was raised as an orphan however that never stopped his pursuit for knowledge. He wasn’t privileged to continue further education nonetheless he grew up exploring the world around him, reading all the books he could get his hands on, ranging from classic literature to mechanics. He wanted to learn, for he knew education would open doors and help him, and it did.

Mohammed Hakim Siddiqui (1943 - 2019)

I grew up watching him read, watch and discuss topics that interested him, which instilled in me the passion for learning and understanding just how valuable knowledge was and how privileged we were. However, this almost perfect routine of sharing, laughing and learning was struck with grief – in March 2019 my grandfather was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer. This came as a blow, it was as though every moment was precious, irreplaceable and the sand from the hourglass seemed to be draining ever faster; the medicines increased exponentially, the visits to the doctor came more often.

That summer my grandfather and I sat together, we talked for a long time about our family and heritage, together we drew a family tree and traced our lineage back eight generations. He spoke so enthusiastically it was as though for a moment everything was perfect. We continued to talk, to go on walks and enjoy as much as possible.

27th September 2019, he passed away.

It was hard to understand, grasp and come to terms with. But it was through that grief I decided his legacy had to continue, and we would provide education and continue his life’s work. For he believed till the very end knowledge would define us.

It’s been nearly a year, and in this time period the world has changed. A virus plagues our world, discrimination has woven into society and education itself had come to a standstill. I had to do something, and through these circumstances was born Siddiqui Academy – a platform for students to come, volunteer and become a tutor, or come and seek mentorship in any of our available subjects. All whilst ensuring our services being 100% free to ensure maximum outreach to all students and communities in the hope to support quality education to align with his vision and global prosperity.

Siddiqui Academy is the legacy project of Mohammed Hakim Siddiqui. It’s his mission that we shall carry forward and grow, by reaching out to students from all walks of life to come, share and educate.

Aisha Siddiqui
Founder & President – Siddiqui Academy

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