Aisha Siddiqui

Hi, I'm Aisha Siddiqui. Learning has been an innate passion for me, and I love to delve deep, explore new subjects and broaden my understanding through undertaking courses that allow me to be creative, look into new perspectives and complex problem solve. At school, I'm an active member of the student government, coach students for the World Scholars Cup, challenge and explore myself through the Duke of Edinburgh certification, member of the environmental team and I'm the Head of Health and Safety, as well as a few other things. I also enjoy going for public speaking events and love Model UN conferences and debating. Outside of that, I am a Youth Ambassador at Global Young Minds to further rural development in South Asia, a dedicated mentor for students in various fields as well as undertaking research regarding rain enhancement in the United Arab Emirates. In my free time I thoroughly enjoy losing myself in a good book or reading up on foreign affairs.

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