Shreshta Sanyal

Hi! I’m Shreshta and I’m currently in Year 11. I have always been super passionate about the arts – be it dancing, acting, or painting – and just like all the other members in this team, I’m extremely excited to be teaching you guys! Other than the arts, I find learning about human functioning really interesting (Biology and Psychology to be specific) and I understand how hard and weighty some of these subjects can be, (especially Psychology!), but luckily I’m here to help. You may also recognise me as the person desperately making study schedules to organise and motivate myself to practise subjects like maths (trust me math haters, I understand the pain) but I’ll willingly share all my study techniques and tips that helped me drastically, which will hopefully help you guys. Feel free to book a session with me to experience quality learning while laughing, talking, and interacting (or maybe even happy crying sometimes when you finally understand a concept you have been struggling with for ages, who knows?). Hope to see you soon!

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